The ability to communicate effectively is critical to successful and profitable teams. Better communication leads to better results.

Sarah Hübner, Improverin

Feel The Inspirience!

As a communication facilitator and Improverin®, I provide tailored training sessions crafted to address your unique requirements. It’s all about fostering inspiration and cultivating expertise. My dynamic training programs not only promote teamwork, but also ignite creativity and fortify resilience. Whether delivered online or in-person, my solutions are both effective and captivating. Let’s team up to elevate your organization’s communication skills, ensuring everyone is unified in their pursuit of a common goal.

My Mission

It is my goal to enhance your impact. I will guide you and your team ...

… on an inspiring journey of personal and professional development. Together, we will strengthen your communication skills and breathe life into my motto *Greater Communication. Greater Results.* Let’s work together to achieve greater  success and reach your goals while enhancing your overall well-being.

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What I offer

Are you looking to improve communication within your company?

Do your teams need support in working together effectively? Are you aiming to strengthen diversity and inclusion in your organization and boost employee well-being?

I focus on three key areas:

Team Strengthening and Development:

  • Strengthening and developing your teams.
  • Understanding team dynamics and social interactions.
  • Promoting better connections for maximum collaboration.

Personal Growth and Resilience:

  • Building resilience and staying calm in challenging situations.
  • Improving time management.
  • Increasing mindfulness and nurturing a growth mindset.

Communication and Presentation:

  • Improving presentation skills.
  • Offering interactive teaching strategies for educators.

I Guarantee You:

  • Understanding of your team’s unique needs.
  • Practical, interactive, and tailored training.
  • A welcoming, secure, and enjoyable learning environment where participants can deepen and reflect on communication strategies.
  • Tools and strategies that can be put into action right away.
  • Efficient and lasting transformation that enhances well-being in your company.

Together, we will work towards more successful interactions, better results, and improved well-being in your organization. Are you ready to take the art of communication to the next level?

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More About the Improverin®

My passion for communication made it clear to me early on that we never stop learning new things and expanding our knowledge. For me, lifelong learning is fulfilling and a personal gain. This is how I can keep my promise: Greater Communication. Greater Results.

Work Experience

  • Communication facilitator for building and strengthening team communication in companies, educational institutions and conferences in Europe and Asia
  • 13 years experience as a teacher in secondary schools in England, Germany and China
  • Project group leader, including the intercultural urban redevelopment project „Das Forster Tuch“
  • Director, actor and (co-) founder of various theatre and improvisation groups since 1999, including founding member of „Bake This“ (Munich), founder of „Channel 21“ (Suzhou, China)
  • Teacher for Business English and German

Primary and Further Education

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Modern Foreign Languages, Exeter University, England
  • State-approved teacher in Bavaria, Germany
  • Master of Arts in Devised Theatre, Dartington College of Arts, England
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Theatre Studies and English (minor), Lancaster University in England and University of Colorado, USA
  • Certified coach for time management, Flipmonday, Netherlands
  • Certified Communication facilitator, DeLSt, Germany
  • Speaker training, German Speaker Academy, Germany
  • Qualification as a Kuringa (artistic and pedagogical facilitator) for the Methodology of Theatre of the Oppressed, Kuringa, Germany
  • Participation in numerous educational training courses at Harvard Project Zero, Harvard University, USA, including Cultures of Thinking; Visible Thinking with Ron Ritchards; Harvard Project Zero Summer School at Harvard University, Boston, USA
  • Growth Mindset with James Anderson, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Comprehensive improvisation training and master classes with internationally renowned improvisation teachers
  • MyCQ Program, Cultural Intelligence Center
  • Certificate in Positive Psychology, Braco Probic


  • AIN – The Applied Improvisation Network
  • ITI – International Theatresports Institute
  • BPW München – Business and Professional Woman
  • VGSD – Association of Founders and Self-Employed Germany e.V
  • TSV Solln Basketball – Player and think-tank coordinator
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  • I am thrilled! I am completing this online course with new clarity and motivation, and I am already looking forward to applying what I have learned. Sarah is a great trainer: empathetic, competent, humorous, clear in the mind and warm in the heart. Structured and creative – a great and rare combination. I also know Sarah as an improvisation coach, and the following applies to both experiences: It is a pleasure and a great benefit to work with her!

    Dunja Batarilo, journalist and author

  • Sarah’s coaching was an amazing investment in my life, career and focus. She’s guided our little group carefully and attentively from the first to the last session, answered all our questions promptly and, for me in particular, showed lots of patience and compassion when it took a little longer to complete the units. I felt very safe with her and well-guarded – which is priceless in a phase of transition.

    The outcome is astonishing, I re-connected to my passion-projects and found a viable way to implement them into my life.

    Jennifer Holleis, journalist and sworn-in translator & interpreter:

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